For high achievement in violin, viola and cello performance

Latest Past Events

String Quartet Competition Prep Classes

Princeton String Academy 2 Colonial Ave, Princeton Junction

Friday, March 1st - April 5th, 7:00 to 8:00 pm (6 weeks) PSA Studio, 2 Colonial Avenue, West Windsor 7:00 pm Prep classes for the NJMTA String Quartet Competition (April 7th) will begin March 1st.  Advanced string students interested in entering the competition will be assigned to a Quartet during the Prep Classes. Registration due by Feb 20th.

Suzuki and Salsa Olé! Children’s Concert

Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church 154 South Mill Road, West Windsor

Friday, February 22nd, 7:00 to 8:00 pm Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church, South Mill Rd., West Windsor. Students will perform traditional Suzuki literature on violin, viola and cello plus other Latin inspired pieces.  The concert is free and open to the public and is particularly suited towards families interested in classical music.  Refreshments after.

End-of-Year Solo Recitals & Award Ceremony

Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church 154 South Mill Road, West Windsor

All students will perform memorized pieces solo with piano accompaniment in our End of Year Recitals Program. Students will be grouped by book level into programs that will last approximately one hour. Programs will be progressive with earlier book levels Sat am, intermediate Sat pm and more advanced Sun pm. New for this year, students with highest Award Point averages will be recognized.

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